ReproStud Max™ Canine Sperm Enhancer Supplement
A complex Formula for optimal spermatogenesis
Supports Canine Sperm Production, Quality and Motility. Promotes healthy testosterone levels, Muscle Density, Healthy Skin and Enhances Male Reproductive Performance.
Repro-Stud™ is our proprietary blend of herbs concentrate, vitamins, chelated minerals and tasty meat powders and fats.
Our formula is a research proven spermatogenic agent and the beneficial effects of this product are well documented amongst dog breeders.
Now your stud dog can produce good litters well beyond the time that most dogs must be retired.
Repro-Stud™ utilizes a proprietary blend of nutrients and spermatogenic agents that will typically take an under-achieving stud and make him a contributing member of your breeding program.
The approved proprietary formula works very much like leutenizing hormone, which is secreted by the pituitary gland and acts as a means of communicating to the dogs testicles that it is necessary for them to grow and increase output of testosterone and sperm.
We believe Repro-Stud™ is the only product available worldwide for dogs that has a high degree of effectiveness in elevating fertility in dogs.
Most of our customers are return customers who have seen impressive results.
Several of our customers are fertility clinics who have done before and after collections on studs brought in for sperm collection.
The initial collections were below acceptable levels for collection.
A month later, after Repro-Stud™, the same studs had high sperm counts and were great candidates for collection.
These clinics were convinced and began carrying and recommending our Repro-Stud™ product.
You can almost double your yards producing efficiency through the use of Repro-Stud™.
Disclaimer: This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Not for Human Consumption. Keep Away from Children.